Reasons To Book Able to work inside or outside in a dark environment, our professional photographer can create amazing light paintings with a long camera exposure Using wands, fire and torches, he can create pictures, patterns and names in beautiful, vivid colours that surround and weave around your subject His work has appeared at numerous...
November 8, 2023Reasons To Book This beautiful champagne wall will get guests talking at your next event - with the choice to customise with themes such as Xmas or Halloween! The sleek design featuring a "Ring the Bell for Champagne" slogan with a bell on it will have guests flocking to it for a glass of bubbly...
November 8, 2023Reasons To Book An unusual and highly interactive take on the traditional photo booth, our light-painting booth is sure to be a massive hit at your special event Guests are in a blackout room where the camera takes a long exposure picture and our team uses light painting tools to create cool effects Highly shareable...
November 8, 2023Reasons To Book Featuring the brightest RGB full-colour laser in the world, this incredible laser light show will take your event to the next level Our artists provide various ways to utilise their lasers; a futuristic laser show as well as their signature cannon that points up at the night sky The cannon projects a...
November 8, 2023